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Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hey YEA!
Are animal print fashions out of style? 
Are green jeans leaving us desperate for a change
Who is your fashion icon? Is pink the new black? 
What fashion do you think will be next? 

Comment your answers and feel free to add your own questions! 
 And as always, send me an email, comment, just say "hey" It'll make my day! 
     TTYL -Shattered


  1. i'm so not the right person for these questions because i'm not fashionable at all,haha.
    i've never worn animal prints, i wear dark green baggy pants and i think they're still relevant

  2. Fashion to me is about comfort. I personally do not wear crazy painful outfits, I have days where I wear shorts and a t-shirt. However, other times I wear cardigans, stylish jeans, etc... But I hardly ever where heels and liquid leggings or anything else that hurts by the end of the day. As long as its relevant to you and really is your style, then it's fashion.
